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Goulden Hardwoods ...
... sell small quantities of Oak , Ash , Beech , Sycamore , Elm , Cherry and other UK sourced wood
The wood is air dried and usually sold rough sawn so will require a planer or sanding.
My father Tony aka OAG began selling wood as his retirement business in the 1980s until he had to slow up rather abruptly due to being dead! I carried it on very part time until retiring from an undistinguished but occasionally enjoyable 32 years in the Met Police.
Woodbypost ...
... was a name coined back in the late 1990s when The Web was gathering place and was an improvement from exy ads in Woodworker and the like mags. Eventually it was even more dated than my clothing so I retired this website and called the current site Hampshire Wood Suppliers which mostly brings in more local customers who collect.
Now, I prefer not to send anything other than turning blanks, the odd plank and smoking wood - it's far better for both you and me if you come and see it.
I am Paul Goulden ...
... and Goulden Hardwoods and Goulden's BBQ Smoking Wood are my two imaginative trading names.
All the other traders shown on my index front page: Prime Timber, Atwood, Andover Down Sawmill, Erwin & Richard etc are independent businesses providing different products to mine.
If you are looking for Hardwoods for ...
... small projects like Cabinet Making and Turning read on. If you want timber on a large scale or have to have kiln dried for instant work head off elsewhere! |
There isn't much to see ...
... without a trip to the wood sheds. The woods are in Vernham Dean between Andover and Newbury on Hampshire/Wiltshire borders.
I'm usually around Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays but you need to check as if I can't be bothered or the wife won't let me out I won't be there.
If you fancy coming for a look you email me and we arrange a time and I will send you what I'm told are rather good directions ... except for the numpties who don't read them properly, leave them at home or google it and get hopelessly lost ! |
So what do I have that might interest ...
... you? Possibly nothing but it's rare that anyone who braves the track leaves empty handed. I do try to ensure it's the right place for your timber needs to save both our time which is where an email chat and a bit of info is handy.
Ringing me up is possible but not ideal for me as I instantly forget the name of the person calling and if they ramble on too much I lose interest - particularly if in the middle of sawing something or even worse during lunch!
Lots of people come back time and again and some have been popping up every now and then for over 20 years. Prices are in Cubic Feet & No VAT ...
... I'm not VAT reg - it's only a little place with small turnover, badly run & part time.
That said, there is some top quality timber and lots of reasonably priced odds and ends. Bit more about this later and how to work out a cube - just remember I'm pretty cheap and occasionally cheerful! |
Timber is stored in ...
... in two sheds that you are free to rummage through. Kids in a sweet shop is often mentioned and on a good day I'll make you a cup of tea or coffee ... skimmed milk only - this is a healthy yard!
An old picture - more on the Facebook page ... I spy a bit of Yew awaiting the saw. |
Prices start at £30 a ...
... cubic foot. You work out the cube by multiplying Width X Depth in Inches x Length in Feet and then dividing by 144. So a 10 " wide bit of wood 2" thick and 7 foot long = a Cube.
Most of the woods are around £35 with Walnut usually the most expensive at £100 a cube. I will often knock a bit off and try to find a price that pleases us both. |
Finding the stock .....
... is the tricky bit. Selling it is easy as it heads off to a new home with minimum effort from me.
Inside the sheds you can get at everything and are welcome to take it into the sunlight and have a good lick and sniff !
This lot has now all sold - contact me for what is currently hot or not! |
Here's another view ...
... of the place. You'll see it's just a couple of sheds in the middle of nowhere and a bit muddy in winter - but my regulars don't seem to mind! |
So get in touch ...
... if you want to know more or arrange to visit.
As mentioned above I'm usually about three days a week including either Saturday or Sunday... Just ping me an emailping me an email. |
For no good business reason ...
... I'll end with a picture from the woods at one of my favourite times of the year Spring into Summer